Date de lancement de la MG TF LE 500

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Date de lancement de la MG TF LE 500

Message par Perkins »

Annonce officielle aujourd'hui de la date de lancement pour la MG TF LE 500 :
-le début de la production à Longbridge(UK) aura lieu pour le début du mois d'août
-les premières voitures seront disponibles chez les concessionnaires MG UK pour le mois de septembre
-le plan prévoie 4 nouveaux modèles dans les 5 ans dont une berline de haut de gamme et un modèle remplaçant la TF


MG has announced that production of the TF LE500 sportscar will commence at their Longbridge plant in Birmingham at the beginning of August, with the first cars delivered to showrooms in September.

Chairman for NAC MG UK Ltd, Mr He, Xiao Qing, said; ?I am delighted to be in a position to talk about a launch date for the TF LE500 following a process of planning, re-organisation, active quality improvements and parts optimisation that we recognise resulted in frustration for our stakeholders. We are now fully focussed on bringing our hard work to fruition.?

The new car is expected to appeal to a wide range of car buyers looking for the authentic sportscar driving experience, as well as existing small sportscar owners looking to upgrade, current owners and the large band of MG enthusiasts.

Gary Hagen, Director of Sales & Marketing continued, ?The open top sportscar is an iconic image of British motoring and forms the basis of the MG marque?s long pedigree. The launch of the TF LE500 signals our determination to keep this class of car at the heart of the brand as we take it forward.?

With the launch of the new TF LE500, the company knows that it is also re-launching one of the best known and best loved brands in the world. Whilst production efforts at Longbridge are focussed on the LE500, designers at their SMTC facility in Leamington, Warwickshire are already planning exciting newMG models that will capture the essential qualities of the MG brand and extend the range into additional sectors.

The commitment planned by MG and the level of investment underwritten by SAIC will persuade doubters that the MG brand is being re-launched with the support to make it successful again. The fact is that in 2008, desirable and competitive British made sportscars will once again be rolling off a production line in Longbridge. A sight that many thought they might never see again.


SMTC UK Limited (Shanghai Motor Technical Centre, UK) is based at Leamington Spa in Warwickshire. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of SAIC Motor, whose parent company is Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation, China?s largest automotive manufacturing company. SMTC UK currently employees approximately 120 engineers and designers, with a further 150 contractors, and provides engineering and design skills for MG and Roewe.

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pour l'instant il y a divorce entre NAC et STADCO, STADCO déclarant que le volume de production prévu ne leur permettra pas de faire du profit

Message par Perkins »

Anonymous a écrit :pour l'instant il y a divorce entre NAC et STADCO, STADCO déclarant que le volume de production prévu ne leur permettra pas de faire du profit
En effet mais ils ont trouvé une solution à l'approvisionnement des pièces de carrosseries. La reprise de la production est confirmée très officiellement et cette fois-ci cela semble être tout bon. Le groupe SAIC semble avoir injecté beaucoup plus l'argent dans le projet, les choses n'ont plus rien à voir avec les anciens propriétaires (Nanjing Automobile). Une production avec un volume de 50 000 unités/an est envisageable à court terme (dans les 3 ans). ;)

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