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Une B ne chauffe pas et ne pisse pas l' huile, entre autres..; !

Posté : 22 avr. 2023, 08:31
par AMMG
Expériences relatées d' un australien, une B ne chauffe pas et ne pisse pas l' huile contrairement à certaines affirmations ici démythifiées qui ne manquent pas d' ailleurs:

Why won't you guys believe me?
This mini-venting by me was prompted by one of our daughters leaving her VW Polo with us for a while. I parked her car under my MGB, which is currently up on my hoist while I refurbish the front end; after 250,000 miles, it was getting a little tired.
Despite what I hear and read regularly, MG's don't always have to "leave their mark". They don't all leak ai! Mine doesn't, and in the 53 years I have owned it, it never has.
To my mind, it fits in with the other myths; Twin SU's ! You are always having to fiddle with them and adjust them. And, "Lucas, Prince of Darkness".
Speaking from my personal experience, and an awful lot of miles in my MGB, I can attest to the fact that SU's in good condition, properly set, are rock solid and basically never have to be touched (apart from a couple of drops of oil in the dashpots at servicing time).
Likewise, I have had no real reliability issues with my electrics. A starter solenoid failed after about 45-50 years of regular use. Likewise the instrument voltage regulator. around the same time. Both were stamped as .../65, and so were original to my car from when it was built.
The starter motor has been rebuilt a couple of times over the years, but the starter itself has never failed.

And while I'm at it, MGB's don't run hot either. At least my bog-standard MGB, with just its original three blade engine driven metal fan, and no modifications or supplementary add-ons, never does, and never has.
source: ... newsletter